The Navel Chakra

The Navel Chakra

Not to be confused with the Solar Plexus, the Navel Chakra actually sits directly at the navel. It is the chakra that governs our sociability, in other words how we connect with other people. It resonates a very happy golden orange colour and when you think about this...


If you want to be peace, be peace. If you want to be happy, be happy. If you want to be grumpy, be grumpy. It is as easy as making a decision. Now you may be asking “How can I be happy? How can I embody peace? What must I do to make myself happy, or embody the peace...
The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Everything related to sexuality, creativity and emotions is governed by the Sacral Chakra. We find the Sacral Chakra at approximately 7cm below the navel, at the centre of the lower belly, in the area of our reproductive organs. When you think about it, it makes sense...

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