In 2011 I qualified as a Reiki Master. Seven years later I finally started teaching Reiki.
By nature I am a Teacher/Healer. It is who I am, it is what I do, and my inner world is constantly cooking up scenarios where I am teaching somebody, something.
Often it involves teaching that person something that could heal an issue in their life.
When I presented my first class it was like a duck to water! Yes, there was the odd hiccup here and there, but overall it went as smoothly as any of my workshops on chakras, crystals, faeries and whatnot that I have presented in the past. The infrastructure, processes of registration and follow up was already in place. The subject matter was something that I have been exploring for over 10 years, so all I really needed to do, was find students.
Right now I am standing in the final week of teaching my very first Reiki course that I ever presented and think to myself “why did I ever wait this long to do this? I can and will make a difference no matter what I teach, where I teach it and who my students are!”
I LOVE what I do. It is something I have dreamed of since my primary school days (teaching people, I mean!) and I am in the process of going global with some more exciting courses. Reiki is only a part of what I do.
So keep your eyes open and read a little bit more on the other workshops I teach. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram, and engage!